A small investgation - working table 1993.

This picture from my privat small laboratory shows some apparatus used during an investigation of where the "voices" influence the apparatus.

Some acoustic material which experience had shown was fit for voice recording (a mixture of two foreign languages) was simultaneous radiated in four different ways: (To all non-technical readers: Drop all technical details and read the conclusion only.) 

1.Normal through a loudspeaker and received by a microphone - the old Jurgenson method.
2.Next the material was modulated on a 40 kHz sound wave and then received by an ultra-sound microphone.
3.The modulated 40kHz was then radiated as an electro-magnetic wave and received in three different ways - (the second of Jurgenson's methods):
1.Inductive between two coils - 2.Capacitive via a capacitor - 3.Direct via cable.

All the 40 kHz experiments - both with ultrasound and with electromagnic radiation, used four identical small receivers tuned to 40khz and with the input voltage adjusted to the same value.

The meaning with this experiment was of course to see if the voices can influence a "normal" sound and microphone, a mechanical ultrasoundsound field, a magnetic field, an electric field or the detecting stage (a diode) in the receiver only. And the results? As expected the old microphone method was the most ineffective. The three other experiments were nearly equal. 
The conclusion: The voices arise (also as expected) through influence (amplitude modulation) on a non-linear electronic device - mainly the diode in the receiver. In the first experiment (the old "normal" methode) the small non-linearity's in microphone and recorder acted as "Diode". 
So we have to do not with any miracle but with well known elementary physical -mathematical rules. On the other hand - we have not even the smallest knowledge about, how it is done. In all probability by influence from a (unknown) field of some kind. 
You now may ask what my reasons were for fetching just this old experiment from its oblivion.

First I would like to give you a impression of my working table at home and also tell a little about one of the several experiments concerning the many small different details of the voice phenomenon. But there is a bit more.
When writing this homepage and on that occasion once more browsing through Jurgenson's and Raudive's books, by pure coincidence I came over a conversation between Jurgenson and a Swedish engineer Mr.N (?) who, after having attended some of Jurgenson's voice recordings, expressed as his opinion that the voices were not recorded through the microphone only, but that the whole recording equipment must have been influenced. This conversation took place in 1964 - already about thirty years before my small experiment. But neither Jurgenson nor Raudive paid much attention to technical comments - they had there own, much better and more esoterical explanations. 

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